11 Top Flat Design WordPress Themes 2019

“Flat” is good. If we talk about web design.

It replaced skeuomorphism, pursuing the idea of losing 3-dimensional design features; it grew into a “rich design” concept pursuing the idea of regaining 3-dimensional design features, but, this time, in a different way.; in a somewhat cartoony, artificial and exaggerated way. A way that is very user-experience friendly.

What are the benefits of a flat design? First of all, it lets us concentrate on what you read. Or, 更准确地说(我们聚集在这里是为了学习如何用扁平化的设计来吸引我们的网站访问者),它让 your website visitors concentrate on what they read. And if it’s a WordPress layout design,你一石二鸟-你创建了一个博客和一个平面设计网站一次.

The benefits are as follows:

No distractions.

没有干扰意味着你可以专注于设计的内容, 颜色可以传达企业的整体情绪, 或者告诉你为什么你应该选择这个特定的业务的文本.

Clean & Simple.

The minimalistic simplicity of flat WordPress design 提高用户体验——它加快了读者理解信息的时间, 明确设计师希望用户采取的路径.

Clean code & Other Great Tech Features

除了简洁的代码,平面设计的网站加载速度更快. Thus, your website visitors won’t bounce away. 此外,扁平化设计对SEO有好处,这意味着谷歌会给你更高的排名.

这就是为什么扁平化设计可以很好地服务于你的主要原因. Enjoy the designs which are listed below!

1. HyperNova


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Hypernova不仅是一个WordPress模板,它也是一个适合电子商务的模板. 您可以创建一个商店与伟大的平面设计功能,其中包括. Pay attention to the Google map at the bottom of the website; this is a small window-like map which shows your customer the location of your business.

2. WooStroid


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电子商务商店的另一个好选择是最近发布的模板, WooStroid, 对于那些计划将业务转移到网上的人来说,哪一个是多用途主题. 有一个多用途的主题意味着你不局限于只有一个设计选项,即使你购买了模板,你可以在设计之间切换.

3. BookIt


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The design seems to be clean and neat, 而在方框中呈现的信息显示清晰,非常可读. An online store, built with a design like this, can be a source of real conversions for your business.

4. Dalton


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这种平面设计一定会吸引顾客的注意. It’s placed right on the hero image, making it impossible not to be overlooked, so future hotel guests are very likely to convert. All the types of services which you have at the hotel, may be placed neatly in specific segments of the template.

5. Interra


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A tribute to flat design WordPress 黑白两色的组合看起来就像这个WordPress模板. If you need something non-trivial, something that would grab attention, you might consider using this template.

6. Medkit


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该模板的最新外观代表了该业务对其提供的服务和产品的现代和创新态度. A website with a design WordPress template like this could herald a breakthrough in a medical business. Just further proof that the best looking WordPress websites could turn into the best looking eCommerce websites.

7. Laraway


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为SEO机构设计一个扁平化的WordPress模板可以为你的SEO项目奠定良好的基础. 它将完美地显示在任何屏幕尺寸,达到所有的观众在各种设备上.

8. Healto


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A green and blue gradient makes the design look dynamic, 欢迎您的网站访客,并吸引他们的各种CTA按钮, social media widgets, service descriptions, etc.

9. Addison


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如果你正在寻找一个大胆的设计,将留下深刻的印象,你的访客, this WordPress theme may come in handy. 无论你是要做一个时尚博客还是一个令人印象深刻的作品集, this WordPress design theme may meet your requirements.

10. Remodel


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改造和翻新您的旧商业网站与此重塑模板, or create your first website from the very beginning. 一种将深色和甜美的颜色与明亮的红色相结合的设计, 会让你的网站访问者想知道为什么他或她会被这个商业网站的设计所吸引.

11. EMPower


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The color green should never be overrated in a design, especially when it comes to creating eco-friendly projects. You may enjoy the flat design used here, 如果你一直在为一个需要平面设计的自然项目寻找一个布局,这个选择是2合1的.


Use the benefits of flat design for your successful website; incorporate the minimum use of stylistic elements and see the proof of the statement that “Less is more”. Define exactly what you need to see on your website, maybe even compile a list, 并仔细浏览模板与平面设计,找到你需要的设计.

Corporate websites, online stores, art projects - every niche may benefit from flat design, making it a competitive site. Don’t miss out!

Don’t miss out these all-time favourites

  1. The best hosting for a WordPress website. 点击我们的链接,获得市场上最优惠的价格,82%的折扣. If HostPapa didn’t impress you check out other alternatives.
  2. Website Installation service -让您的模板启动和运行在短短6小时内没有麻烦. No minute is wasted and the work is going.
  3. ONE Membership - to download unlimited number of WordPress themes, plugins, ppt and other products within one license. Since bigger is always better.
  4. Ready-to-Use Website service 最终的解决方案是否包含完整的模板安装 & configuration, content integration, implementation of must-have plugins, security features and Extended on-page SEO optimization. A team of developers will do all the work for you.
  5. Must-Have WordPress Plugins -获得最重要的插件为您的网站在一个捆绑包. 所有插件将被安装、激活并检查是否正常运行. 
  6. Finest Stock Images for Websites - to create amazing visuals. You’ll get access to Depositphotos.Com选择15张无限制主题和大小选择的图片.
  7. SSL Certificate Creation service - to get the absolute trust of your website visitors. Comodo证书是最可靠的http协议,确保用户数据安全,免受网络攻击. 
  8. Website speed optimization service -增加您的网站的用户体验,并获得更好的谷歌PageSpeed得分.

Oksana Preda

我喜欢把东西整理好,把东西分类,这样更容易找到有用的东西. That's why I like creating template listings. Besides that, 我对网页设计中各种有趣的话题进行研究,寻找能给读者带来启发的话题. LinkedIn

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